Public Affairs 2.0

Data Privacy & Cookies

The ‘Right to be forgotten’ online is extremely important for future society. As it would allow for a procedure to take down information that can be incriminating or have other unforeseen negative consequences, especially in the long-term. This is rather controversial, as it can be misused to censor freedom of speech. However, ‘right to be forgotten’ should be ensured for… Read more →

Internet Governance

Last Tuesday, I attended an event at the European Parliament on the Internet Governance. It’s one in a series of events discussing the future of the Internet from the perspective of government. Governance of the Internet is usually divided into two parts, a technological part, from a perspective of an engineer, and a regulatory view taken from the perspective of… Read more →

The European Writer’s Council 2012 Author Rights Conference

On 4th of June, European Parliament hosted European Writers´ Council 2012 Authors´ Rights Conference on ´Striking the Right Balance between access, fair remuneration and authors´ rights´ MEP Marielle Gallo provided a welcoming and tour d´horizon. Apart from her political life as an MEP she’s also an author who feels strongly about IP protection, as well as staunch pro-ACTA supporter. She… Read more →

SHARING: Culture and the Economy in the Internet Age

This upcoming Tuesday, 15th of May, Ms Amelia´s Andersdotter´s office is organising a book launch inside the European Parliament. The book ´SHARING: Culture and the Economy in the Internet Age´ is written by a Net culture scholar Philippe Aigrain, with contributions from his daughter, Suzanne Aigrain. As the title of the book suggests, it describes file sharing of digital cultural… Read more →

European Parliament produced fruitful discussion on the Internet issues and in particularly ACTA

The first meeting was held on Tuesday, based on ´New forms of online advertising´, as current trademark laws are complex and impose particular burden on SME´s (Small-medium enterprises). European Commission is proposing to harmonise trademark regulations acrossEurope, between different national laws. So that small and medium size companies could take full advantage of access to the global market that the… Read more →

Online Privacy & Document Freedom Day

European Commission has initiated reforms to the Data protection directive and regulations for the public and private sector. Current patchwork of national rules with current European legal framework, were drawn up in the early 90s and came into force in 1995, at the time only 1% of European population were using the internet. These outdated laws put uncertainty on creating… Read more →