United States presidential campaign is about to swing into the higher gear. This will intensify the use of Social Media within the Public Affairs sphere to the new level. Social Media in its current form is a much different phenomenon to the mass communication tools that were available before the onslaught of the World Wide Web. Internet has become one of the main driving tools for globalisation. The use of global communications has helped to harmonise this force into a single living organism, with it’s chaotic problems and opportunities to stay here, for better or worse. 2012 Campaigns Go Social
A special political campaign for me in 2012 will be the ‘Lietuvos Seimo’ elections, especially the Social Media aspect of it. Lithuanian politicians have already mastered the tools of the digital age, as it seems. A recent scandal to grip Lithuania was by Conservative party MP Saulius Stoma, who was tricked by under-cover female journalist, using social media, not only into a personal meeting, but also into her private bedroom. These trends indicate that 2012 political campaign engagement with social media tools should further raise, particularly as most political marketing on social media is free. S.Stoma: apgailestauju, kad leidausi taip lengvai suvedžiojamas
For Austrian Prime Minister, it seems that social media engagement requires a team of seven social media staff. This was the gossip in Vienna’s politics, info was shared thanks to Elisabeth koestinger, Austrian MEP. To be applauded for her mastery in the cutting edge of communication technology.Sieben twittern für den Kanzler – Die Community lacht – Oesterreich – Chronik – Nachrichten | Tirol
European Union’s use of Social Media is at the forefront, European Parliament Facebook page is one of the best governmental tools on Social Media yet designed. The star quality of the page, is that it provides fans’ with a resource of links, to their representative MEP’s individual social media account.
Politicians seem to enjoy spending time directly connected with their voters. This is the first blog in what will hopefully be a series into a World of Politics Internete.